Don’t let your website to be just a website among 1 billion

Don’t let your website to be just a website among 1 billion

Does making a good website helps you to uplift your business? YES! Indeed without a doubt. The very next question will be, by just having a website will it deliver the results you need? Well just as every follow up question the second question is a bit tricky. The short answer will be without a purpose of having it and the strategy behind making it easily found by people who are looking for products and services offered by the company, the website will be just a website.

Website will be just a website? WAIT! What do you mean…………..
Wise people say always […] Read more

How to Organize Your Daily Stand Up Meeting


Daily stand up meeting, I’m sure this will not be an alien term if you are working in IT industry, and if you are practicing scrum.

Stand up meetings are usually scheduled in the morning,which helps team members to get synchronized to each other’s work, it also psychologically help teams to have a fresh beginning and to set daily goals. Stand up meetings definitely plays a very important role in keeping the momentum of the team and in keeping team members together. It doesn’t matter if your team is located at remote locations nor if the team is working in the same […] Read more

Happy Women’s Day! But wait?

International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

That’s how the women’s day is defined in;


Does women need gender parity?

My answer is women does not need gender parity!
Humans need gender Parity! And most importantly the talent need the gender parity!

Well the problem is, there exists two type of humans called, Men and Women where most of the time who tend to forget the fact both being humans. Men are unique and so […] Read more

Our Projects Philosophy

Our Projects Philosophy

How Loons give solutions to enterprise level clients?


We use scrum methodologies of agile technology.

It is a mandatory for our Scrum team consists of a Product owner, a Scrum master and Technical Owner together with the team.


You might think what is the advantage of Loons than a traditional company.

We have a special phase that come in before the development and at each release plan together with the client. That is a specialized team of Loons which critically assess the idea and add value to the idea.

As the initial phases of project will get kicked off once the […] Read more

Our Product Philosophy

Our Product Philosophy

QAnBI model


Question ?       Answer!     + Brain     = Invoke


We the Loons always has that team who think out of the frame. Loons who foresee the problems among day to day activities.

fundamental of Loons “Q” is The Eye that Foresee the Ordinary



We seek answers to questions combined with Digital Innovations and latest technological trends . The Highly technical competence Loons team will come up with the most optimized solutions. The Speciality of the Loons of the Lab is the technical people who always carry that business eye, not only technically solid but also they are experts in […] Read more

Why Startups fail

Why Startups fail

Are you ready to put everything aside and start your own business? To do everything on your own, lead yourself sometimes a the couple of other people around you who we call as founders, who are together with you, and to work a multi role. From CEO to HR, Finance, Event Handling, Client handling, project hunting, even coding testing, marketing and also sweeping and cleaning might also appear in the implicit job description.

Start up is not easy at all…. The risk involved in it, you might not even able to think while you have not been one of them. I […] Read more

The Loons Way – A guide to product development

The Loons Way – A guide to product development

We have developed a guide to product development “The Loons Way” If you are entrepreneurial and interested in looking at our model you can continue reading.

Question ?       Answer!     + Brain     =Invoke

We the Loons always has that team who think out of the frame. Loons who foresee the problems among day to day activities.

fundamental of Loons “Q” is The Eye that Foresee the Ordinary


We seek answers to questions combined with Digital Innovations and latest technological trends . The Highly technical competence Loons team will come up with the most optimized solutions. The Speciality of the Loons of the […] Read more